Some Words About Buddha Tour

Buddhism in India began with the life of Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 563-483 B.C.), a prince from the small Shakya Kingdom located in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal. Brought up in luxury, the prince abandoned his home and wandered forth as a religious beggar, searching for the meaning of existence.
We are a part of fully integrated, financially sound, transparent in our business dealings. We understand the complexities of operations and extremely flexible to meet the objectives. We have excellent relationship with all the suppliers have our own wide range of transportation fleets, backed by good multi linguistic professional guides.
India, the country where Buddhisim originated, still has rich reminiscence of the Buddhist legacy. As part of its drive towards austerity, the only kind of art and architecture that it supported were Stupas (stone cased moulds that commemorated relics of Budha), Chaityas (prayer halls) and Viharas (cells for the monks).
Buddha tour is managed by a professional, dynamic and a committed team who are highly skilled in areas of product knowledge, customer service and operations, supporting our extensive network across the region. The teams are constantly reviewing and updating all areas in our scope of activities to ensure that Buddhist Pilgrimage adds value to our partners and guests. High level of quality in areas of services and supports has ensured strong and sustainable relationship, built on trust, with our partners and customers across the world. At the same time we ensures that it maintains equally good relationship with its suppliers to ensure smooth delivery of the wide range of travel products in the region.
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